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Showing posts from September, 2019

Before Training Your German Shepherd Must Read This

"Training Your German Shepherd Will Prove To Be A Very Worthwhile Investment" So you've decided that it's time you found out about training your German shepherd...maybe your new puppy's antics are starting to send you a little crazy, or you have an older German shepherd that needs the training to make her understand and follow your commands. If so, you're in the right place. There are lots of owners who don't bother training their German shepherd because they wrongly believe that because their dog does most of the things they ask, she doesn't need any further training. The problem arises when she jumps up on visitors or other people she meets, runs headlong into the local forest to chase some unfortunate small animal, or starts rifling through your clean washing basket while you aren't looking. Training your German shepherd is as much about training yourself as an owner to understand how she thinks and then learning how to giv

German Shepherds - An Introduction To The Breed

German Shepherds - An Introduction To The Breed German Shepherds are an incredibly loving, intelligent breed of dog and are the ideal pet for active families. They love being with people and are generally extremely eager to please their human companions. Because they are so easily trained, are intensely loyal and very smart, they are used by many police and military forces throughout the world for tasks ranging from drug control and land mine eradication to criminal apprehension. They are also a very good dog for search and rescue work and are used extensively for this in may parts of the World. Their ability in this field is renowned, and many accidents and earthquake victims owe their lives to the search and rescue abilities of the German shepherd dog. As far as I can tell, a gentleman named Captain Max von Stephanitz originated the breed somewhere between 1890 and 1910. His aim was to breed an all-purpose working dog that was easily trained and had excellent stamina. He